I recently got from
some Japanese tenkara hooks from Tenkarabum that feature no hook eye; instead you attach a length of cord, line or silk braid to the hook to create a loop so that you can attach your tippet. Intrigued by the concept and some pictures of really cool flies I found on
Japanese sites, I decided to give it a try and tie some.
The below is sort of a "how-to" - or at least how I approached the tying process. As always, excuse the somewhat bad quality of the pictures, I am working with a simple point and shoot camera.
The Hooks - Gamakatsu Amago and Owner Yamame |
The Loop - I am using some white fly line backing that I had laying around |
instead of just using white, I thought I would have fun with colors using a Sharpie |
Gamakatsu Amago in size 7.5 |
first I tie a white base which will give the fly later some translucency when wet |
next tie in the braid on one side of the hook... |
...then tie down on the far side to create a loop |
trim one tag short, the other longer, this will help creating a tapered body |
tapered under body |
now tie in Ultra Thread, silk or similar |
select a feather, I am using Grouse |
get rid of the fluff |
tie the feather in, I typically do that on top of the hook and tip forward |
trim tip |
wind hackle, secure hackle stem with thread |
tie-off thread, fly is finished |
top view |
voila |
a hand-full of some eyeless sakasa kebaris |
Have fund and thanks for stopping by.
Tight Lines, -K