Saturday, March 5, 2011

First of this Year - the Last of the Season?

Headed out this morning to the South Platte for a bit of fishing with my Iwana and the new Streamside Mystic Creek Leader.  Arrived at the river probably a bit too early, there was still sludge coming downriver... I guess Winter is still not over. I drove for a few miles where the river was sludge free. I decided today to fish a stretch I haven't really spent much time yet - I typically just drove by it because there were already cars parked at the pull out. Not today. I tied one of the TenkaraUSA Swap flies on, tied by Erik. A small stone fly imitation which seemed to be appropriate for this time of year. I have been reading about the small black stone flies being out and about. As a dropper, I tied on a size 20 O-Sakasa, cream thread with brown ribbing and dun ostrich herl. 

Well, it was another of those days of Winter fishing. Slooooow and cold. I am seriously debating whether it's worthwhile heading out in the Winter. I just can't seem to be able to key on the fish or even figure out where they hang out. Today, I finally saw a few rainbow trout hang out in a slow side pocket. I tried a few dead drifts with no interest and when retrieved the fly with twitches - bang! Finally my first trout of the year! 


bye bye! see you when you're bigger!

Erik's Stone Fly Sakasa Kebari

I was able to land it with my new Tamo, finally being able to put to use (other than just having it stick out on my behind). The fish wasn't huge by any means, actually a bit on the small side, but it perfectly fit the Tamo! 

Today was another windy day, with gusts blowing first downstream and then upstream. Casting was a pain today, so I really don't want post much about the Mystic Creek Leader, but I have to say it's a fine piece of equipment. It casts ok in the wind, better than I expected. It has more mass than the Tenkara USA furled line and if wet, it absorbs some of the water. You can cast it with quite some punch. Over the next few outings, I will see how the line casts when I dress it first so that it doesn't absorb (much) water. 

Well, you might have already figured it out, the little rainbow trout was the only fish caught today, but hey, I got the skunk off and I was able to spend some time on the river. 

This was probably also my last trout of the season, since Colorado's season ends now on March 31 - and opens an April 1. Thank god there is no closed season!!

 How much longer can it hold on?

fishy water!

River Notes:
South Platte, around Nighthawk
Flow: 160cfs
Water Temp: cold, sludge in the morning 
Air Temp: 26F @ 9.45am, 44F @ 3.00pm
Weather: overcast, windy/breezy

1 comment:

  1. I've come across a few occasions where the water was just too cold to interest a trout in anything artificial. That water looks very fishy and this might be what happened. Congratulations on your first fish of the year. I saw the tree and my first thought was "where's my chainsaw". Happens when you heat with a woodstove.

